Tally Brown
Spontaneous Blues We say farewell to Tally BrownSurreal life of a Zen clownShe made the stage go upside downBourgeoisie was tumbling downOh Tally Brown, Tally BrownYou wore the biggest hat in townYour
the official Website of Valery Oisteanu, poet, artist, writer
Spontaneous Blues We say farewell to Tally BrownSurreal life of a Zen clownShe made the stage go upside downBourgeoisie was tumbling downOh Tally Brown, Tally BrownYou wore the biggest hat in townYour
Lived on speed, wrote surreal poetryYouth fading fast between the night and heroinBaroque doors all lead to La Mama TheaterJames Dean poetry at Danceteria-club readingQuick write a movie at Andy’s