New Journal—Nigredo
Nigredo—an international anthology of art and writing from 21 contributors—has come to light. “Do not be discouraged because of your inexperience,” said Zosimos, “for when you see that the metal
the official Website of Valery Oisteanu, poet, artist, writer
Video and audio selections of performances
Nigredo—an international anthology of art and writing from 21 contributors—has come to light. “Do not be discouraged because of your inexperience,” said Zosimos, “for when you see that the metal
Whitney Museum Theater April 8, 2022 Poetry Reading Marathon for Gathering of the Tribes Poetry Performance for Gathering of the Tribes Performance for “Tribes”
Spontaneous Blues We say farewell to Tally BrownSurreal life of a Zen clownShe made the stage go upside downBourgeoisie was tumbling downOh Tally Brown, Tally BrownYou wore the biggest hat in townYour
Lived on speed, wrote surreal poetryYouth fading fast between the night and heroinBaroque doors all lead to La Mama TheaterJames Dean poetry at Danceteria-club readingQuick write a movie at Andy’s
An Anthology of Poetry and Commentary Published 2021 The Earthquake Flowers of Fukushima They whisper from behind the stonesTheir roots embrace the peaks and cracksWaiting for the raindrops to hurt
Vocatif No. 34, Published 2020Patrick Lepetit, editor and translator Seranade Pour Sarane Pour Sarane Alexandrian Le mat in s’est eteint a la Bibliotheque des AlchimistesCollectionneur d’amis fantomes rebellesEndormi avec des
Continue readingAspects Du Surrealisme International Aujourd’hui
Reading from Perks in Purgatory
The Roger Smith Lab Gallery The Roger Smith Lab Gallery is a project-based exhibition space at 501 Lexington Avenue and 48th Street. At the invitation of Daniel Rothbart, 12 performers